Podunk, CA
Play: Platinum Age
"The Mad One"
merely adopted gaming; I was
born in it, molded by it. I
didn't see the light until I was
already a man, by then it was
nothing to me but BLINDING!
Long time gamer starting with
the Atari 2600/5200, with Pengo
being the oldest/first game
being played. Fan of games by
TREASURE, first introduced to
him by McFoxx via Gunstar
Heroes. Retired collector,
since the goal in that field was
accomplished (that being a
retail SNES collection). An
affinity towards STG's and
arcade-like titles, though has
been known to dabble in longer
games such as RPG's. Currently
actively playing World of
Warcraft and bouncing
between various pick up and play
titles like Vampire