- 2005
the dawn of a new millennium,
SEGA "Pioneers" the online
landscape for consoles, a
childhood group of friends
form an XBAND identity,
and journey from pixels to
Pen & Paper.
During the
summer vacation of 2000 preceding
the 12th grade for the senior
members of what would later be
initially known as the "XBAND Klan",
Diablo II was released on PC. The
new name for their group was made
known in an online game for the
first time by adding the
"<XBK>" tag to their character
names. Madvin had just purchased a
new Windows 98 PC to replace his Win
3.1 PC for just this occasion. For a
while, McFoxx had to settle with
just chatting in the Diablo II
BattleNet lobby and listening to the
soundtrack CD that came with his
copy of the Collector's Edition, as
his Windows 95 PC did not meet the
system requirement of 32MB of RAM.
In a shocking move, rather than just
doubling his RAM for the opportunity
to play, McFoxx was able to convince
his father to go in on a new Windows
Millennium Edition PC. At this time
Snoogans was not yet able to join
the fray in "XBAND Klan's" new
post-Catapult presence as a gaming
guild, but that would soon change
with the ringing in of the first New
Year of the new millennium.
Contrary to what Wikipedia would
have you believe, it was actually
Tuesday, January 23rd 2001 that saw
Phantasy Star Online drop for the
Sega Dreamcast. Madvin and McFoxx
can attest to this, as they actually
had to make two trips to pick up the
game in an era where pre-orders were
not as common. The first trip ended
in failure at a local Target that
has since ceased to exist and is
replaced by a Wal-Mart. The clerk in
the electronics section advised that
they had actually not received any
copies of the game in their last
shipment, but that they would be
receiving another batch late that
evening/early the next morning and
to try our luck then. Thus, it was
on that fateful Wednesday that
McFoxx's mother was gracious enough
to drive her son and his neighbor
back to Target to finally have the
highly coveted game within their
grasp. So anticipated was this title
that Madvin broke his Nintendo
tradition by making the Dreamcast
the very first Sega console he would
buy just to play this one game.
Alas, no one knew that it would be
the last Sega console he or anyone
else would buy again. This would be
the first time that Snoogans,
Madvin, and McFoxx played online
together. The "official" XBAND Klan"
hangout was on Block 13 of the
Umnbriel ship.
Though they had been
a part of the multiplayer gaming
sessions as far back as the
Saturn, PS1, and especially N64
era, it was at this point that
the siblings and neighbors of
McFoxx and Madvin really started
to come into their own. One game
would soon solidify their place
in the "XBAND Klan" and their
numbers would boom in a way not
seen since.
Maddox and Travice were
at the forefront of Super Smash Bros
Melee when it dropped like a
hydrogen bomb on the Nintendo
Gamecube. It was at this time that
Jubei and his cousin Tali would also
become multiplayer regulars. Since
everyone was walking distance from
each other, there was always a Smash
session being hosted at any one of
their homes on the weekends (and
eventually weekdays).
With the untimely death of the
Dreamcast, the majority of the
X-crew migrated to Gamecube for
their Phantasy Star Online fix (the
double-whammy fees of both a
Hunter's License and XBOX
Live Gold played a big part). It was
here that Doodekins took part in
helping to clear PSO's Challenge
Mode for the S-Rank Weapons via
couch co-op. McFoxx ran a 50-ft CAT5
cable from Elara's internet router
to the Gamecube to get it
online-capable just in time for the
release of PSO Episode III: C.A.R.D.
In February of 2003 Doodekins was
the first of the gang to branch out
into the world of Everquest Online
Adventures. Despite his resentment
and borderline hatred of Sony at
this time for their role in killing
the Dreamcast, McFoxx took the
plunge and acquired a Playstation 2
to get in on the fun. Madvin and
Maddox followed suit. Having
built-in guild functionality, this
was the first time that an actual
"XBAND" guild was made in a game
(the "Klan" part was dropped for
reasons). In the summer of that same
year, it was just another day when
Maddox exclaimed that a package had
just been received from Sony Online
Entertainment. Opening the package
with rabid fervor, the brothers were
shocked to find that they had been
mailed a disc to enter the Open Beta
to the expansion EQOA: Frontiers.
During the same summer
that visits were being made to Mr.
Buff in the EQOA Frontiers open
beta, Elara introduced the squad to
a whole new world of adventure: pen
& paper RPGs. Acting as DM, this
introduction came by way of the 3.5
Edition of Dungeons & Dragons.
It was not long before Elara had to
enact a ban on the use of the
Intimidate skill that was deployed
liberally between the resident
Barbarian and Monk of the party
(Travice and Madvin, respectively).
The knowledge of the D&D
mechanics gained from the pen &
paper experience exponentially
increased the enjoyment of the hot
streak of D&D licensed games
from Bioware at this time.
The end of this era was marked by
the complete playthrough of X-Men
Legends II, the apex of which was
McFoxx, Maddox, and Travice rapping
on the bedroom window of Madvin at
3:30am on a Friday that was met with
a shout of "WHAT THE FUCK?!?" from
within. The group were soon on their
way to McFoxx's home to continue
their progress in defeating En Sabah
• Elara • Jubei • Maddox • Tali •